Thursday, June 14, 2012

Terrible Terrible Two times Two

Let me just start off with a recap of my day yesterday. First go to work to prepare for summer school. I only needed 2 hours so I brought along my sister who was to occupy Blake. That worked quite well until it was time to leave....he did NOT want to leave. So I had to fight to get him leave. Finally we finish that tantrum and then its on the way home....but I did tell Madison that we would go bowling. We get back into town at about 12...her and I can bowl 2 games fairly quickly. Blake was to eat lunch and take his nap at 1-1:15ish. So we went to the bowling alley and I got Blake lunch there since I knew if I waited till we got back his nap would have been off and I needed him up by 3:30 to take Madison to gymnastics class at 4:15Pm!!! So for most of bowling was fine Madison and I would take turns feeding him and setting with him at the table. The last few couple of frames he wanted to run around like a crazy a person which was a little to much for me.....yet again another tantrum. Alright, we get home and he gets his nap....yay and about on time too! So I clean up a bit and get lunch and then I wake him up at about 3:20 which I must say he was almost awake anyway, I fix him a snack. So we get in the car and take Mad to gym. Then while I am there I want to register him for the mom and tot class because we need something to do!! Anyways, he is running around like a crazy person again! Needless to say another tantrum!!! So finally we leave but I can't go home yet because I need to meet a lady for a cheap baby monitor that I need for the beach. So since Maggie Moo's is close we go for ice cream....oh and it was soooo good. Then we walk down to the party store to look for some things for his Elmo party coming up in August and just to kill time. That goes fine and then we leave for the car and lo and behold another tantrum!!! That makes number 4!!! By this point I have more than had enough! So I finnaly meet the lady at 5:45 and head home...... We get home and he continues to act the way he has all finally I say to H. I am off the clock and you are on! But he says he has work to do and doesn't have time. What's new!There was another tantrum before going outside while waiting on our blackberries and this is when he hit me again and that's when I apprently hit him back in the face...though I say it was just a push in his face since he was standing on the couch...all these tantrums are just start to run together! So that's number 5! Dinner goes okay and Grandpa brings us blackberries and then we go outside for some play time with bubbles. Then when we do come back in we clean up and get ready for bed.... brushing the teeth is yet another battle but after the constant battle all day I just want to brush his teeth and put him to bed. I make sure I get the bottom fronts every night and eventually he won't put up such a big fight....that's how it went with wiping his face after first he couldn't stand it and now its not bad at all. Brushing his teeth was going okay when he does it becuase he doesn't really do I start to help and its fine UNTIL I get those bottom fronts. He screams like someone is killing him and then I have to hold him down to simply brush his teeth. I make a point to make sure I am not brushing to hard. So I've about had it, so I yell at him, he throws one toothbrush and then I throw the other one and then I sit him down rather forcefully onto his feet on the floor. He is screaming bloody murder and the H is just sitting downstairs "working" So finally I put Blake into his bed and toss his pacifer in with him.....this is when H finally come up from downstairs saying that's no way to treat him, blah, blah, blah. And there was something about being mother of the year award and the real kicker was that I shouldn't be so short tempered with him!!! Oh my fucking goodness!!!! Are you fucking kidding me????? Really! You want to say this to me who has put up with this ALLLL DAY!!! And after I even asked you to help!!! However the H didn't know I asked because apparently I say that all the time. I know I have said jokingly but I really don't think I say that enough for it not to mean anything. Plus why should I have to ask for help....can he not figure out even after telling him that he has been that way all the day and even after I was already short tempered with him and "hit" him. Is H a fucking moron??? Finally that evening, I was already upset over the days events and the comments made to me. I don't feel like I do anything right. I don't clean right, I don't watch Blake right, I don't parent right, I don't fold clothes right, I don't vaccumm right, I really apparently don't do anything I'm not sure why I'm still here and why H is still here. I'm a terrible person who doesn't do anything right. I did have a short temper but I asked for help and I didn't get it. I did preceed to tell H that he does nothing for Blake only when he absolutely has to when I am not here....but I say most of the time he will get his mother to watch him which was the case when I went out of town in April to a friend's baby shower. He kept B one night and sent B to stay with his mom the next night so he could go out. Really, its not like I'm not home that much or really go anywhere without B. He really doesn't do anything for B unless it is forced. He did take B to the store with him about a weeke ago and I almost fell over dead! Why can't he do more things like that? He also took him to school one of those days last week as well. I really thought he was coming around. Clearly I was mistaken. So the jist of that was I can't parent and H doesn't ever help....which I've been saying since he was born! So I"m terrible and can't do anything right and he says well apparently I'm terrible too since I don't do anything with B. Not to mention whenever I try to not fight and have a discussion I'm the one who is always wrong and he is the one that always gets defensive and makes into something that is totally frustration and hatrd. I need a therapist. Any one know of someone? Side bar- Another thing about this specfic issue a few sunday's ago my family were going bowling and B was napping. They suggested that I come without him and H could be there since he doesn't come with us anyway. Oh great idea and I would be back at about the same time he got up! So I quickly get ready ran upstairs and say I'm going bowling and I'll be back would have thought I asked for a million dollars!!!! He meanly answered back that he has to watch the race and wash clothes and that this was his time to not do anything! Lessons Learned: Don't try to do so much in one day with a terrible two toddler. When needing help, say a clear and consice statment- don't ask...tell!. Say something like this... I am serious when I say that I have had enough of him today and you need to take care of him and leave the house! PS: Life stinks with a terrible two toddler and a terrible two H...its going to be a long summer!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Alphabet Songs

I found Alphabet Songs and Alphabet Videos by Have Fun Teaching through another First grade blog that I follow and since I get to stay in first grade again next year, I thought these would be a great review at the beginning of the year for my students. This will also give them a movement break to get out their wiggles! What a great set of videos to have! Take a look for yourself!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I'm Back!

I started this blog, well last summer and I didn't realize that its almost been a year since I posted anything else! Having an almost 2 year old is making things just a little difficult! Not to mention that before to long we might start trying to add a little brother of sister to the mix! Where would I ever find the time to do anything! I guess that's what summers are for except this summer I decided to teach summer school.....GASP! don't worry its only for 10 days and those are half days none the less. I really want to get my car paid off so that when the second baby comes along we won't have a SUPER tight budget. That was going to be possible before DH went and bought a new car....he did get a good deal but I really wanted my paid for by this time next year. So the next little one may have to wait for 2 more years. But if I can do a little here and there and so can he then it may just work out. Though, I will need a 9 month notice! Lesson Learned: Don't let husband go alone to a car lot!