Friday, July 22, 2011

My Story

I'm Renee and I grew up in a small town in which I still live today. I married my high school sweetheart in 2006, got a teaching job and bought a house in 2008 (yeah I know right before the housing market downturn!), and then brought a beautiful baby boy into the world in 2010. But let me clarify that it was not easy getting pregnant. We started trying in September 2008 on our own and month after month nothing. Finally in April 2009 we finally got a positive test! We were so excitied we told just about everyone.....first mistake. Then in May we go for our first appointment and baby this time. What devastation this was for us and not to mention everyone we already told! I was mortified! However, the darling husband did a great job of telling most everyone so I wouldn't have to deal with that awkward situation. So we take a few months off before we try again.

Now its September 2009 and we are ready to try again. For the past three months my cycle has been normal and about the same each month. Then of course when we are ready to cycle goes all haywire. So I finally break down and call the nurse at the OBGYN. So she talks to my doctor and prescribe Clomid and  very basic fertifily drug to help me ovulate...thank heavens something to help considering it had already been a year and a miscarriage

September- Nothing and no ovulation with medicine. October- higher dosage, ovualation had occured still nothing. November- same dosage, ovulation occured and finally another positive test! Finally a year and 3 months later a possible baby! We didn't tell anyone until very close to our first appointment and then it was only parents. Then Dec. 30th was the day- yes or no! I was a nervous wreck that whole dayI had no idea what I would do this time if things didn't work out again. Would Dh and I have to start that long road of infertility?? What happened to missing 1 pill and getting pregnant? However, finally it was a yes! But we weren't out of the woods yet. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy can be make it or break it time and thank god we made it!

My son has been a true blessing and I thank god for him every single day. He has also taught me so much already and he is the reason I wanted to start this blog. I wanted to document the lessons I've learned from being a mom, so that the second time around will be a piece of cake...hahaha!

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